Photo Gallery of "Critical role of EQA program: Maximize Laboratory Performance, Reliability and Trust (Crucial roles of laboratory external quality assessment by third party to enhance the standards and reliability to the laboratory)"

July 24, 2023

Photo Gallery of "Critical role of EQA program: Maximize Laboratory Performance, Reliability and Trust (Crucial roles of laboratory external quality assessment by third party to enhance the standards and reliability to the laboratory)", during 28 June 2023 at Icon Siam, Bangkok. We are honored by Dr. Sally Picton, RIQAS Manager, to be our lecturer for this forum.
This forum went well and well feedbacked by participant in this event.

The point of view of this forum was on "Crucial roles of laboratory external quality assessment by third party to enhance the standards and reliability to the laboratory" that the lecturer exphasized the aim and the advantage of EQA, the difference between IQC and EQA, The capability of RIQAS whose program is ISO/IEC 17043 accredited and can be applicable for ISO 15189, including the report specifications following with Q&A.

By this event, we cordially thank to all participants and highly hope that we can host a very useful forum like this again in the next event.